The following log files and installed services reside on endpoints that have a Windows sensor installed.

Windows log files

Use the /L* log.txt command line option to obtain an MSI log that shows the Windows installation process. A confer-temp.log file is also generated in C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp that shows the sensor registration attempts to the cloud. These two log files are required for troubleshooting installation and update issues.

The Windows 3.6 sensor stores some log files in Program Files and some log files in ProgramData. Previous versions of the sensor stored logs in in the \Program Files\ Confer\Logs\ directory. Carbon Black will continue to move all log files to ProgramData to align with Microsoft guidelines. You must have administrative privileges to access the log files in ProgramData.

  • \Program Files\Confer\Logs\
  • \ProgramData\CarbonBlack\Logs\

Windows installed services

  • Main sensor service: RepMgr64.exe, RepMgr32.exe, Scanhost.exe (if local scanning is enabled)
  • Utility: RepUtils32.exe, RepWmiUtils32.exe
  • UI: RepUx.exe