Before you can install sensors, you must extract and prepare the macOS install files.


  1. Click CB Cloud DMG or mount it by using system tools. DMG is mounted to the /Volumes/CBCloud-X.X.X.X directory (where X.X.X.X refers to the sensor version).
  2. Alternatively, use the hdiutil command to mount the downloaded sensor release disk image; for example: hdiutil attach /path/to/CBCloud_Installer_mac_X.X.X.X
  3. Extract the CBCloud Install.pkg file from the mounted volume /Volumes/CBCloud-X.X.X.X directory. The . pkg file is the sensor installer payload.
  4. Extract the utility script from the /Volumes/CBCloud-X.X.X.X/docs/ directory.
  5. The mounted volume can be unmounted because it is not needed for the remainder of the steps. You can unmount it by using Finder, or by running the following command: hdiutil eject /Volumes/CBCloud-X.X.X.X
  6. Use the extracted CBCloud Install.pkg and files to create a custom package that is compatible with your software distribution tool or install the two files directly onto the target macOS device.


Note: and the CBCloud Install.pkg payload must be extracted from the same major and minor version of released DMG file to ensure compatibility between the utility and the installer payload. If the two files do not originate from the same release, the installation might fail.

Typically, the extracted and the CBCloud Install.pkg files are pushed to the target server endpoints. They can be used to create a custom installation bundle that is compatible with a specific software distribution tool.

Note: You must always wrap the company registration code in single quotation marks. Double quotation marks are not an acceptable substitute to single quotes.