Use this procedure to create an .msi log.


  1. Open the Group Policy editor and expand Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components.
  2. Select Windows Installer and double-click Logging or Specify the types of events Windows Installer records in its transaction log, depending on the Windows version.
  3. Select Enabled.
  4. In the Logging textbox, type voicewarmupx.
  5. Click Save Changes
    This setting creates an .msi install log for all users in the GPO in the c:\Windows\Temp\ folder on the system volume.
  6. To enable Windows Installer .msi log using the registry:
    1. Open Regedit.
    2. Go to registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer.
    3. Set the Logging registry value to voicewarmupx.
    Note: If Group Policy is configured to automatically create a Windows Installer .msi log, the registry value voicewarmupx should match the value that is configured in Group Policy.