Use this procedure to update sensors for Workloads from the Carbon Black Cloud Console.

It is important that you keep your sensor versions up-to-date.

There are two ways to update sensors:

  • You can update sensors on selected workloads through the console. You can select up to 10,000 sensors to update at one time. After you initiate sensor updates, the selected sensors receive the message to update the next time that they check in with the Carbon Black Cloud backend. The system allows up to 500 concurrent updates. When an individual sensor completes its update process, a new sensor is signaled to start its update.
  • You can reinstall the sensors.


  1. Sign into the Carbon Black Cloud console.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Inventory and then click Workloads.
  3. Search for and select the sensors to update.
  4. Click Take Action and then click Update Sensors.
  5. Confirm the number of sensors to update.
  6. Select the sensor version from the Version dropdown menu.
  7. Click Update