This section describes how to troubleshoot potential errors during a macOS sensor installation. Verify macOS Sensor InstallationsUse the following methods to verify macOS sensor installations. Log Communications to Troubleshoot macOS Sensor InstallationsCreate a communications log dump to help troubleshoot macOS sensor installation errors. Manually Start and Stop macOS Sensor DaemonYou can manually stop and start the sensor daemon service for troubleshooting purposes. Determine macOS Sensor VersionYou can determine the current Carbon Black EDR macOS sensor version by running this command. Determine Server URL to Troubleshoot macOS Sensor InstallationsThis article describes how to determine the server URL that is being used by the Carbon Black EDR macOS sensor. Initiate an Immediate macOS Sensor Check-in to the Carbon Black EDR ServerFor troubleshooting purposes, you can initiate an immediate macOS sensor check-in to the Carbon Black EDR server. Initiate a macOS Sensor Diagnostic Data DumpYou can run a command to dump and collect network event logs, cbdaemon log files, and important sensor and system configurations that can help diagnose sensor issues. The files are packaged up into a single compressed file that you can deliver to Carbon Black for analysis. Using the Diagnostic Uploads Utility on macOS SensorsBeginning with Carbon Black EDR server version 6.2.2 and macOS sensor version 6.2.0, a sensor diagnostics tool can collect diagnostic data packages from the endpoint and upload them to a cloud location for analysis, using the Carbon Black EDR server as an intermediary. Parent topic: Troubleshooting Carbon Black EDR Sensor Installations