Perform the following procedure to install a new Carbon Black EDR server.


See Installing and Initializing a New Server for important pre-install instructions.


  1. Verify that the host machine on which to install Carbon Black EDR server meets the hardware and software requirements as specified in the VMware Carbon Black EDR Server Operating Environment Requirements Guide.
  2. Verify that the server has Internet connectivity as specified in Firewall and Connectivity Requirements.
  3. Contact Carbon Black Technical Support to procure an installation RPM for the Carbon Black EDR server.
  4. Install the RPM:
    1. Run the following command using the customer-specific RPM that you received:
      sudo rpm -ivh carbon-black-release-1.0.3-1- <customername> .x86_64.rpm 
    2. (Optional) Verify that the Carbon Black EDR [cb] Yum repository was configured correctly. You can run this command to see the contents of the new Yum repository entry for Carbon Black EDR:
      cat /etc/yum.repos.d/CarbonBlack.repo
      For example:
      [root@cb-enterprise-testing ~]# cat /etc/yum.repos.d/CarbonBlack.repo
    3. (Optional) You should see the Carbon Black EDR SSL certificates and keys in the following directory: /etc/cb/certs/.
  5. Install the Carbon Black EDR server:
    1. Verify that the computer’s date and time settings are accurate. Incorrect date/time settings can cause failures in SSL negotiation.
    2. For EL6 and EL7 servers, run the following command:
      $ sudo yum install cb-enterprise
      For example:
      [jdoe@localhost yum.repos.d]$ sudo yum install cb-enterprise
      For EL8 servers, run the following commands:
      $ sudo yum module disable postgresql redis python38 python39
      $ sudo yum install cb-enterprise
      For example:
      [jdoe@localhost yum.repos.d]$ sudo yum module disable postgresql redis python39
      [jdoe@localhost yum.repos.d]$ sudo yum install cb-enterprise
    3. Install the CentOS GPG key if you are prompted to do so.
    4. If your environment requires that outbound firewall exceptions be made, make sure that the exceptions documented in Firewall and Connectivity Requirements are followed. You must also update /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo to enable the baseurl of
      Note: Yum supports the use of web proxies. However, VMware Carbon Black cannot use Yum with NTLM-authenticated web proxies.

What to do next

See Initialize and Configure a New Server for next steps.