Perform the following procedure to install the operating system and create the Yum cache.


To create a Yum cache, you must provide a system that can communicate with the operating system (OS) and Carbon Black Yum repositories. This system is used to download, install, and store (cache) packages and dependencies. This system is referred to as a caching server, and does not need to meet any Server Sizing Guide or Operating Environment Requirements. The caching server is not initialized or used as a functioning Carbon Black EDR server.

Important: You must install the same OS on the caching server as you install on the Carbon Black EDR production server. RHEL and CentOS Yum require unique packages for each OS type and version. Any difference in the caching server OS build and the production OS build result in a high probability of failure.

Configure the Caching Server:


  1. Install the appropriate OS on the caching server by following OS vendor or internal procedures.
  2. Install the Carbon Black EDR License RPM.
    1. Copy the Carbon Black-provided RPM file to the caching server.
      carbon-black-release-<customer dependent>.x86_64.rpm
    2. Log into the caching server console.
    3. Change directory to the location of the RPM.
    4. Install the RPM package:
      #rpm -ivh carbon-black-release-<customer dependent>.x86_64.rpm
  3. Configure Yum to cache all package installations.
    1. Modify the yum.conf file:
      #vi /etc/yum.conf
    2. Configure cachedir and keepcache:
  4. Download and install Carbon Black EDR packages and dependencies. Install cb­enterprise:
    #yum install cb-enterprise -y
  5. Compress and archive the Yum cache directory:
    #tar -selinux -cvzf yumcache.tar.gz -C
    #tar -selinux -cvzf yumcache.tar.gz -C
  6. Copy the cache archive file (yumcache.tar.gz) to media or to a location that is accessible by the production Carbon Black EDR server.

What to do next

Install Carbon Black EDR using a Yum Cache