This section describes the Vitals and Configuration panel on the Sensor Details page.

Sensor Vitals

The Sensor Vitals section of the Vitals and Configuration panel displays the following information.



Sensor Id

The internal Carbon Black EDR sensor GUID of the host computer.

Node Id

The server ID to which the sensor sends data in a clustered environment.

Node Address

The address of the server to which the sensor sends data in a clustered environment.

Node Hostname

The host name of the server to which the sensor sends data in a clustered environment.

Shard Id

The shard ID to which the sensor submits event and binary metadata.

Registration Time

The date and time that the sensor registered (the start time of the sensor) with the Carbon Black EDR server.


Shows if the sensor is currently synchronizing with the server.

Restart Pending

Shows if the sensor host is restarting.

Uninstall Pending

Shows if the sensor is being uninstalled from the host.

Sensor Version

The current version of the sensor.

Sensor Uptime

The duration of time that the sensor has been actively running.

Network Isolation

Shows if the host is isolated from the rest of your network and the Internet. See Isolating an Endpoint.

Computer Vitals

The Computer Vitals section of the Vitals and Configuration panel shows the following details about the host.




Hostname of the endpoint on which the sensor is installed.

OS Version

Version of the operating system on the host.

IP Address/MAC Info

IP and MAC address of the host.

Computer Domain Name

Name of the endpoint on which the sensor is installed. This can be the same name as the hostname.

Computer SID

Unique security identifier for the computer.

Amount of RAM

Amount of available RAM.

Free Disk Space

Amount of free disk space.

Total Disk Space

Amount of total disk space.

Host Uptime

Time that the host computer has been running since the last sensor boot. If the sensor has not rebooted since its installation, this value reflects the install time.

Power State

Indicates whether the host endpoint is running.

Clock Delta

The difference between the sensor clock and the server clock. If the delta is greater than 5 seconds, an alert is displayed.


The Configuration section of the Vitals and Configuration panel shows the following sensor information.




Sensor group to which this sensor belongs.


Site to which the sensor group that contains this sensor belongs. For information about assigning sensor groups to sites, see General Settings.

Server Name

URL of the Carbon Black EDR server.

Sensor Upgrade Policy

Upgrade policy for this sensor. See Upgrade Policy Settings for details of sensor group upgrade policies.

EP Agent Installed

Indicates whether the Carbon Black App Control agent is installed.

EP Agent Host Id

If the Carbon Black App Control agent is installed, displays the Carbon Black App Control agent host Id.

Team Access

The Team Access section of the Vitals and Configuration panel shows the teams that have access to this sensor and the permissions that team members have. This information is defined in Sensors > Edit Settings > Permissions.

See Permissions Settings.