This topic describes basic elements and concepts of operating Carbon Black EDR containerized servers and clusters.

Starting and Stopping Containers

Use the following commands to start and stop containers on a containerized distribution of Carbon Black EDR.

Note: When starting a cluster, start all minion nodes before starting a cluster primary node.
  • To start a minion node, run ./edr_docker start.
  • To stop a minion node, first make sure that the primary node is stopped. Run ./edr_docker stop.
  • To start a primary cluster node, first make sure all minion nodes are started. Run ./edr_docker start.
  • To stop a primary cluster node, run ./edr_docker stop.
  • To start a standalone server, run ./edr_docker start.
  • To stop a standalone server, run ./edr_docker stop.

Running Standard Commands

Note: You must have an initialized and running container to make use of the exec subcommand.

Run ./edr_docker exec --help to see a list of available commands.

[root@localhost edr]# ./edr-docker exec --help
Usage: ./edr-docker exec [subcommand]
available commands include:
     cbbanning - Assists in managing the Carbon Black EDR Server banning features.
     cbcheck - Assists in troubleshooting Carbon Black EDR Server installation.
     cbconf - Parse CbER config file and print settings to stdout
     cbdatagrid - This utility provides access cb-datagrid contents.
     cbdiag - collects information to assist with troubleshooting
     cbfeed_airgap - Carbon Black EDR feed import/export utility for air-gapped systems
     cbfeed_scrubber - tool to remove all feed/watchlist tags from binary documents.
     cbget - Download or list files from Alliance server
     cblicense - to update the Carbon Black EDR Server license or generate the license request blob
     cbpasswd - user account management utility for Carbon Black EDR
     cbpost - Send file(s) to Alliance server.
     cbquery - Tool for querying certain info about EDR config and status
     cbrabbitmqctl - rabbitmqctl
     cbrabbitmq-plugins - rabbitmq-plugins - Script to start rabbitmq server
     cbsensorinstallergen - utility that can be used to create sensor installation packages.
     cbservice - Tool to start and stop individual Carbon Black EDR services
     cbsolr - This utility provides raw access to Carbon Black EDR's Solr backend.
     cbssl - provides the tools for managing Carbon Black EDR Server's SSL certificates
     cbstats - provides access to the statistics collected by EDR
     cbsyslog - provides an interface for testing Carbon Black EDR's notifications syslog output.
     cbtaskerr - This utility prints out recent errors from task/job executions.
     cbtune - Parse CbER JVM tuning profiles
     cbuser - Commandline utility for EDR user updates
     install-sensor-rpms - Scan and install any new sensor installer rpm files
     sensor_report - Generate a report showing the status of every sensor

You can use the syntax ./edr_docker exec operation to execute any of these commands; replace operation with the supported command.