Perform the following procedure to install Carbon Black EDR server software on a containerized cluster minion.


  1. On each minion machine, run the following command: ./edr-docker start.
  2. When prompted whether the install is part of a Carbon Black EDR cluster, type y.
  3. Each minion will generate a unique minion installation password. Save the password — it is required when you add the minion to the cluster.
    [root@localhost edr]# ./edr-docker start
    Initializing new EDR installation, please wait ...
    To initialize this EDR system we need to know what type of server it will be.
    Is this system intended to be a minion in a cluster? [y/n]: y
    ssh-keygen: generating new host keys: RSA DSA ECDSA ED25519 
    EDR initialization complete.
    EDR instance launched.
    Please use credentials username: root, password: Bf7U4bby0Qt60 to add this node to the cluster.
    The minion container is now running, please control the cluster from the primary node.


After the installation is completed, Carbon Black EDR is running on this node.

What to do next

Install additional minion nodes or install a primary node.