Perform the following to procedure to upgrade a Carbon Black EDR clustered server.


  • See Upgrading a Server.
  • You must have SSH or console access to the server with root privileges.
  • Verify that your Linux OS is compatible with the latest version of Carbon Black EDR.
  • We recommend that you backup your Carbon Black EDR server before you upgrade.


  1. On the primary server, stop the Carbon Black EDR services:
    # /usr/share/cb/cbcluster stop
  2. Modify etc/yum.repos.d/CarbonBlack.repo; set:
    Note: For specific version upgrades, see the Release Notes for baseurl.
  3. Get the latest yum repository:
    # yum clean all
  4. Update the Carbon Black EDR services on the primary server:
    # yum update cb-enterprise
  5. Run the upgrade script (see Using cbupgrade):
    # /usr/share/cb/cbupgrade
  6. Follow on-screen instructions to complete the upgrade.
  7. Repeat steps 2 through 6 on all secondary nodes in the cluster.
    • Each minion must update cb-enterprise.
    • Each minion might need to run the cbupgrade script.
  8. On the primary server, start the Carbon Black EDR services:
    # /usr/share/cb/cbcluster start

What to do next

Migrate the database schema or Carbon Black Threat Intel feed data.