This section describes sensor-related settings in the cb.conf file. What to read next CacheDbWriteBatchSizeThis parameter sets the maximum number of queued db writes before a bulk write occurs. CacheDbWriteDelaySecThis parameter sets the time in seconds to queue up asynchronous cache db writes and then perform a bulk write to postgresql db. DataGridSensorActivityTTLSecThis parameter sets the time in seconds for a sensor activity log entry to live before it is removed. DatastoreReservationTimeoutMsThis parameter sets the length of time the throttle queue reservation is valid before expiring. DatastoreSubmitQMemoryPercentThis parameter sets the memory used by the front-end throttle queue, as percentage of JVM memory. DatastoreSubmitTimeoutMsThis parameter sets the time (in milliseconds) to wait to reserve data in the front-end throttle queue before timing out. EnforceClientCertRevocationThis parameter instructs cb-sensorservices to enforce sensor client certificate validation, expiry, and revocation checks. EventExclusionsEnabledIf set to True, this setting enables a console feature that lets you exclude the collection of certain process events from macOS and Windows hosts based on the path of the parent process. EventlogLegacyThrottleMaxRatioSee EventlogLegacyThrottleMinRatio. EventlogLegacyThrottleMinRatioPart of the algorithm to calculate throttle for legacy sensors relies on these settings. EventlogLegacyThrottleMultiplierSee EventlogLegacyThrottleMinRatio. EventLogThresholdAgeSecondsThis parameter sets the minimum age of sensor event log to cache before sending to the server. EventLogThresholdSizeBytesThis parameter sets the minimum size of sensor event log to cache before sending to the server. GraphiteReportingIntervalSecThis parameter sets the time between each attempt of sensor services to report directly to a graphite server that is defined in cb.conf with the GraphiteHost config option. OptimizedVdiIf True, only looks up a sensor through VDI if it wasn't already found. PrimaryCheckinProxyThis parameter instructs sensors to proxy all checkins through the primary node. RetryAfterMultiplierIf the value is not 1.0, modifies the "retry-after" calculation that occurs when the front-end throttle queue is full. SecureVdiOnly looks up a sensor through VDI if it has a matching sensor group. SensorCheckinDelayRateThis parameter sets the maximum number of check-ins per second per minion. SensorCheckinDelaySecSensor checkin delays are no longer variable and are now constant, set by this parameter. SensorCheckinDelaySecOverrideThis setting overrides the calculated check-in delay. SensorCheckinDelayVariancePctThis setting is a smoothing factor for determining the next check-in for individual sensors. SensorServicesIPSets the listening address for sensor services. SensorServicesLoggerConfComplete path to the logging configuration file for sensor services. SensorServicesPidFileThis parameter specifies the PID file for the sensor services gunicorn process. SensorServicesPortThis service handles distributed sensor check-ins. SensorServicesWorkerConnectionsThis setting specifies the number of concurrent incoming connections to sensor services at any one time. SensorServicesWorkerCountThis parameter sets the number of processes to handle sensor-related activities (registrations, checkins, etc). SensorThrottleTypeThis parameter sets throttling strategy. ServiceUnavailableRetryDelayThis parameter specifies the number of seconds to wait before retrying when the console returns a 503 (service unavailable) message from the datastore when the site throttle or maximum low priority request thresholds have been exceeded. StrictComputerSIDMatchingIf set to True, a sensor registering with an existing ID but mismatched SID is registered as a new sensor and gets a new sensor ID. If set to False, the SID is not checked and the sensor registers with existing ID. VDIAPIEnabledWhen set to True, you can define the VDI attribute-mapping configuration in the Carbon Black EDR Server console. Selectable attributes are Hostname, DNS Name, Computer SID, IP Address, and MAC Address. Computer SID is the default attribute.