The Enabled field in the My Clusters list can have the settings that are described in this topic.

  • Enabled switch on (blue and white) – These clusters are included in your global searches. You can change this setting in My Clusters.

  • Enabled switch turned off (white) – These clusters are manually excluded from your global searches. You can click the setting to Enabled to add this cluster's data to your searches.

  • Enabled switch deactivated (gray) – These clusters are excluded from your global searches for one of the following reasons:

    • They are missing an API token to provide cluster access, but are otherwise available for your global searches. Log in to the cluster itself, obtain the token from your My Profile page on that cluster, and add it to the row for that cluster on the Carbon Black EDR Unified View My Clusters page.

    • They are disconnected from Carbon Black EDR Unified View in Cluster Management and unavailable for any global searches. Connecting or disconnecting a cluster is done on the Cluster Management page and requires Carbon Black EDR Unified View administrator privileges.

The API Token column in the My Clusters list shows one of the following:

  • Shared Token if an administrator selects this authentication method for the cluster.

  • An individual API token string specific to this Carbon Black EDR Unified View user’s access to the cluster.

  • Enter API Token if an individual token is required but not yet entered.

Shared versus individual token authentication is determined on the Cluster Management page and cannot be changed on My Profile.