The Event Forwarder HTTP destination type requires the following information.



Host Address

Required. URL of the HTTP destination endpoint.

Server Common Name

Optional. Common name (CN) of the destination server.

Send Timeout

Optional. Maximum duration of an upload connection. The default value is 60 seconds.

Upload Empty Files

Optional. Determines whether zero byte length files are uploaded. The default setting is false.

Max Bundle Size

Optional. The maximum bundle size (in bytes) to upload to the remote destination before compression is applied. The default value is 10MB.

Upload Template

Required. Template for formatting the output messages. The required template format to enter in this field is: {"filename": "{{.FileName}}", "service": "carbonblack", "alerts":[{{range .Events}}{{.EventText}}{{end}}]}

Content-type HTTP Header

Required. The HTTP header helps the HTTP client consume the output properly. For example: application/json, application/text, application/xml . We recommend that you use the default value for this setting.

HTTP Authorization Token

Optional. Token to communicate with the remote destination.

OAUTH JWT - Client Email

Required if using OAUTH authentication. Oauth client identifier for communicating with the configured OAuth provider.

OAUTH JWT - Private Key

Required if using OAUTH authentication. PEM-encoded private key to sign the JWT payloads.


Required if using OAUTH authentication. The endpoint that is required to complete the 2-legged JWT flow.

OAUTH JWT - Private Key ID

Optional. A hint that indicates which key is being used.

OAUTH JWT - Permission Scopes

Optional. A comma-delimited list of requested permission scopes.

Send Events as Binary

Optional. If enabled, event JSON is sent in a byte array field instead of plain text.

Use Compression

Optional. If enabled, compresses the HTTP payload before uploading.


Optional. Determines whether an uploaded certificate is required for the connection.