The Help menu in the top right area of the console provides access to two sources of assistance for Carbon Black EDR.

  • Click User Guide to open a new browser window or tab showing the in-product HTML version of the Carbon Black EDR User Guide (this document). If it displays as a tab, you can drag the tab off the current browser to display the User Guide in its own window. The online version of the Carbon Black EDR User Guide is compatible with Chrome browsers, preferably the latest release. You might be able to display help in other browsers, but these are not supported and they might have issues that interfere with display or performance.

  • The Broadcom Carbon Black Support option opens a new browser window or tab showing the Broadcom Carbon Black Support page.

To display online documentation from the console:

  1. In the top console menu, click the question mark button and choose User Guide from the menu. This opens the Carbon Black EDR Help home page and table of contents in a new window or tab. The controls on the help page vary depending on the size of the window, but all pages provide access to the table of contents and search features.

  2. To view the table of contents if it is not visible, either expand the browser window to display the contents on the left, or click the Table of Contents button.

  3. In the table of contents, click a right arrow icon or the name next to it in the table of contents to expand the table to show subtopics. Click the down arrow icon to collapse the items below it.

  4. To search for topics using key words, enter the words in the Search box if it is visible, or if not, click the Search button to display the field.