You can search for all reports or perform a search on a page that is pre-filtered for one feed.

You can also obtain more information on the report types that are provided by a particular feed, or you might want to explore specific reports. See Threat Report Searches and Results and Threat Report Details.

Suppose you want to filter out a high volume of uninteresting reports from a feed that you otherwise you find useful. You can search for those reports on the Threat Intelligence Feeds page and mark them to be ignored in the future. See Ignoring Future Threat Reports.

Open the Search Threat Reports Page (Unfiltered)

Perform this procedure to view threat reports.


  1. On the navigation bar, click Threat Intelligence and then click Threat Report Search.
  2. In the Search Threat Reports page, enter search criteria to search for the reports in which you are interested. See Threat Report Searches and Results.

Display a Table of Reports from One Threat Intelligence Feed

Perform this procedure to display a table of reports from one threat intelligence feed.


  1. On the navigation bar, click Threat Intelligence and then click Threat Report Search.
  2. On the Threat Intelligence Feeds page, click the Threat Reports link at the bottom of the panel for the feed that contains reports you want to view.

    The Search Threat Reports page displays reports from the selected feed.

    You can further refine the search by using the available search options.