You can add certificates to the Carbon Black EDR server through the console to secure server-sensor communications.


Important: Certificates and key files added in this way must meet the requirements described in Server-Sensor Certificate Requirements.


  1. Click Username> Settings .
  2. Click Server Certificates and click the Add certificate button.
  3. In the Add certificate dialog, provide a unique name for the certificate to identify its purpose (use 50 or fewer alphanumeric characters without spaces).
  4. Under Upload certificate, click Choose File and provide the path to a certificate file that meets the requirements described in Server-Sensor Certificate Requirements.
  5. Under Upload private key, click Choose File and provide the path to the ASCII PEM-encoded, unencrypted key file for this certificate.
  6. When you have entered all required information, click the Add button in the dialog.
    If it passes all tests, the new certificate is listed in the table on the Server Certificates page and is available for use by sensors.