The invitation to activate a Carbon Black Hosted EDR account arrives in an email that is sent to the address that is provided when an administrator creates the invitation.

Activate a New Carbon Black Hosted EDR Account

Follow this procedure to active a new Carbon Black Hosted EDR account from an invitation.


  1. In the invitation email, click on the link to Carbon Black Hosted EDR.
  2. In the Create an account section, choose a username for your account. User names are restricted to standard Latin alphanumeric characters without symbols or punctuation characters. Then enter your first and last names.
  3. Click the Sign up button.
    You are immediately logged in to the HUD page for the server you were invited to access. Confirmation that the account was created is sent to the same email address that received the initial invitation.

Access a Carbon Black Hosted EDR Server from an Existing Account

Follow this procedure to activate access to a new Carbon Black Hosted EDR server from an existing account.


  1. In the invitation email, click the link to Carbon Black Hosted EDR.
  2. Under the Already have an account? label, click the green Sign In button and log in with your existing account name and password.
    You are immediately logged in to the HUD page for the new server.