This topic describes how to configure HTTP proxy settings for Carbon Black EDR Windows sensors version 6.2.3 and later.


  1. Set the proxy configuration string in Sensorsettings.ini to the following values (case sensitive):
    1. “Proxy=@wpad”: Instructs the sensor to use the WPAD protocol to autodetect the proxy settings. If autodetection fails, a direct connection is used. This is done for every request that the sensor needs to make.
    2. “Proxy=@pacurl:URL, where URL is the URL of a PAC file. This instructs the sensor to download the PAC file at this URL, and to use the proxy that it configures for the current networking conditions and requests. If the PAC file cannot be found, a direct connection is used. This is done for every request that the sensor makes.
    3. “Proxy=server:port: This setting was supported in previous sensor versions; however, the behavior is enhanced. If communications fail with a DNS resolution failure or fails to connect to the server, a direct connection is attempted. Note that an HTTP failure (status code other than 200 OK) does not trigger a direct connection.
      Note: There is no server-side user interface to set this configuration option. The server cannot inform the sensor of this configuration via the Protobuf message.
  2. Alternatively, for installed sensors, you can set the registry value “HKLM\SOFTWARE\CarbonBlack\config\Proxy” to the desired string (type REG_SZ). For example: “reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\CarbonBlack\config /v Proxy /t REG_SZ /d @wpad”. It is recommended to use either "@wpad" or "@pacurl:URL", depending on your configuration.