Before you deploy App Launchpad, you must make sure your environment meets the specific VMware Cloud Director requirements.

To make use of VMware Marketplace applications, make sure that the network configuration of VMware Cloud Director also allows outbound access to AWS S3.

VMware Marketplace uses the AWS S3 to store the OVA files for the applications from the Bitnami applications catalog.

Communication Between App Launchpad and VMware Cloud Director

Configure the extensibility of VMware Cloud Director before deploying App Launchpad.

If you configure use VMware Cloud Director 10.2 or later, use the MQTT protocol for the communication between App Launchpad and VMware Cloud Director.

If you use earlier version of VMware Cloud Director, configure the extensibility of VMware Cloud Director using an AMQP broker.

Under the same AMQP virtual host that VMware Cloud Director uses, create a direct type of exchange that is reserved for App Launchpad.

Create a dedicated AMQP user that has full permissions to the virtual host of the AMQP broker.

If you use an SSL port to connect to the AMQP broker, make sure that the extensibility of VMware Cloud Director is configured to accept all certificates.

By default, VMware Cloud Director extensibility has a short timeout setting regardless if you use the MQTT protocol or an AMQP broker. To avoid service availability errors, it is a best practice to increase the extensibility timeout setting using the VMware Cloud Director Cell Management Tool. To increase the timeout setting, run the following script:
/opt/vmware/vcloud-director/bin/cell-management-tool manage-config -n extensibility.timeout -v 60
/opt/vmware/vcloud-director/bin/cell-management-tool manage-config -n extensibility.request.size_limit -v 2097152
/opt/vmware/vcloud-director/bin/cell-management-tool manage-config -n jms.mqtt.maxframesize -v 2097152
For more information about working with the Cell Management tool, see Cell Management Tool Reference.

If multiple instances of VMware Cloud Director and App Launchpad are connected to a single instance of RabbitMQ, you can use the same virtual host. Make sure that you create a dedicated RabbitMQ queue and routing key for every instance of App Launchpad that you plan to deploy.