You can perform an in-place upgrade directly to App Launchpad 2.1.2 from versions 2.x.


  1. Download the App Launchpad RPM or DEB package file to a location that is accessible from the App Launchpad machine.
  2. Open an SSH connection to the App Launchpad machine and log in as root or user with sudo.
  3. Upgrade the package.
    1. For CentOS Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Photon OS replace the RPM package.
      rpm -U /path-to-new-RPM/vmware-alp-verson_number-build_number.x86_64.rpm
    2. For Ubuntu and Debian, uninstall the current version and install the new package.
      sudo cp /etc/ALPEnvironments /etc/ALPEnvironments.bak
      sudo rm -rf /var/lib/dpkg/info/vmware-alp.postrm
      sudo apt-get remove vmware-alp
      sudo unlink /usr/bin/alp
      sudo apt-get install ./vmware-alp_$v.v.v-$nnnnnnnn_amd64.deb
      sudo cp /etc/ALPEnvironments.bak /etc/ALPEnvironments
  4. (Optional) If you upgrade from version 2.0 or 2.1, run the following command:
    alp upgrade --admin-user=Cloud-Director-system-administrator@system --admin-pass='Cloud-Director-system-administrator-pass'
  5. Restart the App Launchpad service.
    systemctl restart alp