Configuring App Launchpad consists of setting a target provider organization for onboarding catalogs of applications and completing the initial configuration wizard.


Verify that you installed the App Launchpad RPM and configured the connections from App Launchpad to VMware Cloud Director and to an AMQP Broker. See Deploy App Launchpad.


  1. Access the App Launchpad user interface.
    1. In a Web browser, go to the VMware Cloud Director service provider admin portal URL.
      For example,
    2. b. Log in with the system administrator user name and password.
    3. c. From the main menu (The graphical representation of the main menu icon.), select App Launchpad.
    The Welcome to App Launchpad page displays.
  2. To start the initial configuration wizard, click Launch Setup.
  3. Set up the App Launchpad infrastructure, and click Next.
    Option Description
    Option Action
    Automatic If you want to configure the infrastructure for App Launchpad automatically, select Yes, set it up.

    Starting with version, to improve the storage usage efficiency, App Launchpad uses a thin provisioning storage policy when creating the organization virtual data center.

    Manual If you want to If you want to configure the infrastructure for App Launchpad manually, select No, I will set it up on my own and create the following entities:
    • A new VMware Cloud Director organization named AppLaunchpad that stores all data related to App Launchpad services.
    • A new Pay-As-You-Go organization virtual data center predefined with storage policy and disk sizes.
    • A global service role named App-Launchpad-Service.
    • A system administrator user account to which the App-Launchpad-Service role is assigned.
    Leave the current browser window open, because App Launchpad tracks your progress.
    1. Select a provider virtual data center to use for App Launchpad services. The dedicated organization is created in this provider virtual data center.
    2. Select a storage policy.
    3. Select a disk size (in GB).
  4. Create sizing templates for the applications.
    1. Enter a name for the sizing template.
    2. Enter a vCPU count, a memory size (in GB), and a disk size (in GB).
    3. (Optional) Select the current template as the default sizing template.
    4. (Optional) Add more sizing templates by clicking Add More and completing steps 4a to 4c.
  5. To complete the initial configuration of App Launchpad, click Finish.


You are redirected to the App Launchpad home page and the Next Steps card displays.

What to do next

Provide single-click application deployment capabilities to your tenants.
  1. Make sure that the default rights bundle is published to the AppLaunchpad organization in VMware Cloud Director. See Publish or Unpublish a Rights Bundle in the VMware Cloud Director Service Provider Admin Portal Guide.
  2. Add applications to App Launchpad. See Adding Applications to App Launchpad.
  3. Set featured applications. See Add or Remove Featured Applications.
  4. Edit application deployment settings. See Edit Application Deployment Settings.
  5. To make applications available for deployment, publish catalogs. See Publish an Application to a VMware Cloud Director Organization.