To achieve high availability of App Launchpad, deploy multiple App Launchpad instances using the same configuration parameters.

Deploy the first instance of App Launchpad and configure the remaining components. After you configure the first instance, export the configuration parameters and import the configuration to the remaining instances in your environment.

When exporting the configuration parameters, you protect the .tar file with a password. For security purposes, App Launchpad validates the complexity of the password. When you set password, make sure that the password contains:
  • At least eight characters
  • Minimum one uppercase character
  • Minimum one lowercase character
  • Minimum one numeric digit character
  • Minimum one non-alphanumeric character.

    Use only visible ASCII characters. Do not use space and non-printing control characters, such as BEL or NUL.


Verify that your target environment meets the requirements for high availability of App Launchpad. For more information, see the Considerations for High Availability of App Launchpad section in Before You Begin.


  1. Deploy the first instance of App Launchpad in your environment. See Deploy App Launchpad.
  2. Export the configuration parameters by running the alp export command.

    For CentOS Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Photon OS:

    alp export --file-name=tar-file-path --key=pasword
    For example:
    alp export --file-name=/tmp/config-params.tar --key=pass

    For Ubuntu and Debian:

    sudo alp export --file-name=tar-file-path --key=pasword
    For example:
    sudo alp export --file-name=/tmp/config-params.tar --key=pass
    To avoid the password complexity verification, you can optionally append the --force argument to the command.
  3. Deploy additional instances of App Launchpad.
    1. Open an SSH connection to the target machine.
    2. Install the RPM or DEB package by running the installation command.

      For RPM:

      rpm -ivh  vmware-vcd-alp-v.v.v-nnnnnnnn.el7.x86_64.rpm
      If Java SE JDK 11 is installed on the deployment target machine, to avoid installation issues, append the --nodeps argument.
      rpm -ivh --nodeps vmware-vcd-alp-v.v.v-nnnnnnnn.el7.x86_64.rpm

      For DEB:

      sudo apt-get install ./vmware-alp_$v.v.v-$nnnnnnnn_amd64.deb
    Deploy as many additional instances, as required.
    Important: Do not configure any of the additional instances.
  4. Import the configuration parameters to the additional instances of App Launchpad.
    1. Copy the exported configuration parameters from the first instance of App Launchpad to all additional instances.
    2. For every additional instance, import the configuration parameters by running the alp import command.

      For CentOS Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Photon OS:

      alp import --file-name=tar-file-path --key=pasword
      For example:
      alp import --file-name=/tmp/config-params.tar --key=pass

      For Debian and Ubuntu:

      alp import --file-name=/tmp/config-params.tar --key=pass
      For example:
      sudo alp import --file-name=tar-file-path --key=pasword
    3. Restart the App Launchpad service by running the systemctl restart alp command.