If App Launchpad cannot access the API endpoints of VMware Marketplace, you cannot create the connection.


To browse applications available for importing, the App Launchpad server accesses VMware Marketplace API endpoints. App Launchpad requires outbound access to the following VMware Marketplace API endpoints:
  • https://console.cloud.vmware.com
  • https://gtw.marketplace.cloud.vmware.com

If App Launchpad cannot access the API endpoints, you cannot set the required VMware Marketplace token on the Marketplace Connection page.

To verify if the endpoints are accessible, you can run the following commands from the App Launchpad machine:
curl -i -k -v https://console.cloud.vmware.com
If the API endpoint is not reachable, the system returns a Status 302 message.
curl -i -k -v https://gtw.marketplace.cloud.vmware.com
If the API endpoint is not reachable, the system returns a Status 404 message.


Your firewall rules and network setup do not allow the outbound access from App Launchpad to the API endpoints of VMware Marketplace.


Reconfigure your network setup to allow outbound access from App Launchpad to the API endpoints of VMware Marketplace.

If you restrict the direct outbound access to VMware endpoints for the App Launchpad machine, you can configure an HTTP proxy. For more information about creating the HTTP proxy, see Edit the Runtime Environment Configuration of App Launchpad.