Starting with App Launchpad, you can deploy container applications to a Kubernetes cluster.

The following diagram illustrates the workflow of launching container applications with App Launchpad.

The diagram displays the workflow of launching a container application to App Launchpad.


  • Verify that you have the vApp User role or an equivalent set of rights assigned to your VMware Cloud Director user. For more information, see Predefined Roles and Their Rights.
  • Verify that App Launchpad can access the tenant Kubernetes cluster.
    • If the Kubernetes cluster is on VMware Tanzu™ Kubernetes™ Grid you need to perform additional configuration. You must allow App Launchpad to access the Kubernetes control plane node. See Add an SNAT or a DNAT Rule to an NSX-T Edge Gateway in the VMware Cloud Director Documentation.
    • If the Kubernetes cluster is a Container Service Extension native cluster, verify that the cluster is deployed under a direct or routed network.
    • If the Kubernetes cluster is a Container Service Extension native cluster, deployed under a routed network, verify that a specific NAT rule on the tenant Edge Gateway is configured for the control plane node of the cluster.
  • Verify that the tenant Kubernetes cluster has outbound access to the third party Docker hub where the Bitnami docker images are stored.


  1. Log in to the VMware Cloud Director tenant portal.
  2. From the main menu (The graphical representation of the main menu icon.), select App Launchpad.
  3. To find the application that you want to launch, use the built-in search engine, select the application, and click Launch.
    You can use the Filter by drop-down menu to filter your applications by type and catalog. You can select a maximum of 5 catalogs.
    You can also use the Featured Applications list.
  4. Enter a name for the application.
  5. Select the target Kubernetes cluster.
  6. (Optional) Edit the advanced settings of the application
    1. Click Show Advanced Settings.
    2. Edit the application settings using the YAML editor.
    3. (Optional) To review the editions, click Changes.
  7. Click Launch.