By using the appliance management interface, change its IP address. Open the management interface using the new IP address, update the traffic control settings with the new IP address and re-register with the vCenter Server Lookup service. By returning to the appliance management interface, repair the Replicator Service. Finally, repair from the remote site by using the updated Public Service Endpoint address.

Note: Applying any network changes leads to temporary network outages. For example, the browser connectivity to the management interface is interrupted when being accessed through the network adapter that is being reconfigured.
Perform the exact steps for each appliance role. This procedure applies to the following appliance roles:
  • On-premises appliances roles:
    • On-Premises to Cloud Director Replication Appliance - perform steps 1-5 only.
    • On-Premises to Cloud vCenter Replication Appliance - perform steps 1-3, then perform steps 5-13.
  • Provider appliances:
    • vCenter Replication Management Appliance - perform steps 1-3, then perform steps 5-15.
    • Replicator Appliance - perform steps 1-4, then perform steps 12 and 13 only.

For information about configuring the appliance IP address in a cloud site backed by VMware Cloud Director, see Network settings configuration.


Verify that VMware Cloud Director Availability 4.4 or later is deployed in the vCenter Server site.


  1. Log in to the management interface of the VMware Cloud Director Availability appliance.
    1. In a Web browser, go to https://Appliance-IP-Address/ui/admin.
    2. Select Appliance login or SSO login and enter the root or the single sign-on user credentials.
    3. Click Login.
  2. Change the network adapter IP address of the appliance.
    1. In the left pane, click Settings.
    2. Under Appliance settings, expand the Network section.
      You can see all the network adapters that are added to the appliance.
    3. To change the IP address, next to a network adapter name, for example ens160, click Edit.
    4. In the Settings window for the selected network adapter, configure its network settings and click Apply.
      Option Description
      IP Mode Select either:
      • IPv4
      • IPv6
      • Unconfigured turns off this network adapter and deletes all of its settings, including static routes. Use this cleanup procedure, in case there are configuration leftovers that are causing unexpected network behavior.
      Note: After selecting DHCP to provide the network configuration, all manually configured network settings, such as DNS servers, search domains, static routes, and MTU size are removed. To manually add, next to Network, click Edit then enter:
      • DNS servers
      • Domain Search Path
      Type: Static Enter the static configuration.
      1. In the Address/Prefix text box, enter a CIDR address - IP address, followed by a forward slash and a network mask or a prefix length. For example, enter
      2. In the Gateway text box, enter a gateway that is in the same network as the provided IP address. For each IP mode, you can use only one default gateway. If you are configuring a second adapter in the same IP mode, you must not enter a default gateway.
      3. In the MTU (bytes) text box, enter the maximum transmission unit size in bytes. The default is 1500 bytes.
      The updated IP address applies and the management interface keeps showing a continuously spinning progress indicator. After timing out, you see a red error message Timeout has occurred indicating you to go to the management interface by using the new IP address.
  3. Log back in to the management interface by using the new IP address of the appliance.
    1. In a Web browser, go to https://Appliance-New-IP-Address/ui/admin.
    2. Select Appliance login or SSO login and enter the root or the single sign-on user credentials.
    3. Click Login.
  4. Update the Traffic Control addresses of the appliance.
    • Perform this step only for On-Premises to Cloud Director Replication Appliance and for Replicator Appliance.
    • Skip this step for On-Premises to Cloud vCenter Replication Appliance and for vCenter Replication Management Appliance.
    1. In the left pane, click Settings.
    2. Under Appliance settings, next to the Traffic Control section, click Edit.
    3. In the Traffic Control window, select the new IP address of the network adapter then click Apply.
      Option Description

      Management Address

      Select the new IP address for the network adapter.

      NFC Address

      Select the new IP address for the network adapter.

      LWD Address

      Select the new IP address for the network adapter.
  5. Re-register the appliance with the vCenter Server Lookup service.
    1. Under Service endpoints, next to Lookup Service Address, click Edit.
    2. In the Lookup Service Details window, re-enter the credentials then click Apply.
    3. Verify the thumbprint and accept the SSL certificate of the vCenter Server Lookup service.
    Note: This step completes changing the IP address of:
    • On-Premises to Cloud Director Replication Appliance is now configured with the new IP address.
    Proceed with the remaining steps when changing the IP address for one of the following appliance roles:
    • On-Premises to Cloud vCenter Replication Appliance
    • vCenter Replication Management Appliance

    Skip the remaining steps and proceed directly from step 12 when changing the IP of an external:

    • Replicator Appliance
  6. Log in to the management interface of the internal Replicator Service of the appliance.
    1. In a Web browser, go to https://Appliance-New-IP-Address:8440/ui/admin.
    2. Select Appliance login or SSO login and enter the root or the single sign-on user credentials.
    3. Click Login.
  7. Update the Traffic Control addresses for the internal Replicator Service.
    1. In the left pane, click Settings.
    2. Under Appliance settings, next to the Traffic Control section, click Edit.
    3. In the Traffic Control window, select the new IP address of the network adapter then click Apply.
      Option Description

      Management Address

      Select the new IP address for the network adapter.

      NFC Address

      Select the new IP address for the network adapter.

      LWD Address

      Select the new IP address for the network adapter.
  8. Log in to the management interface of the Tunnel Service in the appliance.
    1. In a Web browser, go to https://Appliance-New-IP-Address:8442/ui/admin.
    2. Select Appliance login or SSO login and enter the root or the single sign-on user credentials.
    3. Click Login.
  9. Update the Traffic Control addresses for the Tunnel Service.
    1. In the left pane, click Settings.
    2. Under Appliance settings, next to the Traffic Control section, click Edit.
    3. In the Traffic Control window, select the new IP address of the network adapter then click Apply.
      Option Description

      Tunnel Address

      Select the new IP address for the network adapter.
  10. Connect to the VMware Cloud Director Availability appliance by using a Secure Shell (SSH) client.
    1. Open an SSH connection to Appliance-IP-Address.
    2. Authenticate as the root user.
  11. Update the appliance IP address in the following configuration file then restart the service.
    1. Run vi /opt/vmware/h4/manager/config/, press / and paste then press Insert and update the appliance IP address.
    2. Restart the service.
      systemctl restart manager
  12. Log back in to the management interface of the VMware Cloud Director Availability appliance.
    1. In a Web browser, go to https://Appliance-New-IP-Address/ui/admin.
    2. Select Appliance login or SSO login and enter the root or the single sign-on user credentials.
    3. Click Login.
  13. Repair all Replicator Service instances by updating its Public Service Endpoint address.
    1. In the left pane, click Replicator Services.
    2. Select a Replicator Service instance listed in red state and click Repair.
      Repeat this step and repair each Replicator Service instance that is listed in red state.
    3. In the Details for the Replicator Service window, update the Public Service Endpoint address with the new IP address then click Apply.
      Option Description

      Endpoint Address

      To update the Public Service Endpoint of the Replicator Service, enter the Appliance-New-IP-Address.

      Appliance Password

      Enter the password for the appliance root user.

      SSO Admin Username

      Enter the vSphere single-sign-on administrator user name for the vCenter Server Lookup service that belongs to the ADMINISTRATORS group.

      SSO Password

      Enter the vSphere single-sign-on administrator password for the vCenter Server Lookup service.

    4. Verify the thumbprint and accept the SSL certificate.
    Note: This step completes changing the IP address of the following appliance roles:
    • On-Premises to Cloud vCenter Replication Appliance is now configured with the new IP address.
    • Replicator Appliance is now configured with the new IP address.
    Complete the remaining steps only when not using DNAT when changing the IP address for the following appliance role:
    • vCenter Replication Management Appliance.
    Skip the remaining steps when using DNAT for the vCenter Replication Management Appliance. Instead, in the provider site you must update the DNAT firewall rule with the new IP address of the vCenter Replication Management Appliance.
  14. Update the Public Service Endpoint of the vCenter Replication Management Appliance with its new IP address.
    1. In the left pane, click Settings.
    2. Under Service endpoints, next to Service Endpoint Address click Edit.
    3. In the Service Endpoint address window, enter the new IP address and click Apply.
  15. In the remote tenant site, to update the pairing to use the new IP address, re-pair with the provider site.
    1. From the remote tenant site, in the left pane click Peer Sites.
    2. Select the provider site with the updated Public Service Endpoint address and click Repair.
    3. In the Update Pairing window, update the Public Service Endpoint with the new IP address and click Update.
      Option Description

      Public Public Service Endpoint

      Enter the updated Appliance-New-IP-Address.

      SSO Username

      Enter the vSphere single-sign-on administrator user name for the vCenter Server Lookup service that belongs to the ADMINISTRATORS group.

      SSO Password

      Enter the vSphere single-sign-on administrator password for the vCenter Server Lookup service.

      Description Optionally, enter a description for the pair.
    4. Verify the thumbprint and accept the SSL certificate of the provider site.


The VMware Cloud Director Availability appliance now uses the new IP address.