For troubleshooting purposes, VMware Technical Support might request support bundles that contain product-specific logs, configuration files, and data appropriate to the situation. You can collect the diagnostic information in a support bundle by using a specific management interface or a script.


  • Collect a support bundle for each VMware Cloud Director Availability appliance by using its service management interface.
    1. In a Web browser, go to the management interface of any of the VMware Cloud Director Availability appliances.
      To generate a complete support bundle from a cloud site backed by VMware Cloud Director, go to the management interface of the Cloud Director Replication Management Appliance.
      Deployment type Component Management Interface
      • On-Premises to Cloud Director Replication Appliance
      • On-Premises to Cloud vCenter Replication Appliance
      • vCenter Replication Management Appliance
      On-Premises https://Appliance-IP-Address/ui/admin
      Cloud Director Replication Management Appliance Cloud Service https://Replication-Management-Appliance-IP-Address/ui/admin
      Replicator Appliance Replicator Service https://Replicator-Appliance-IP-Address/ui/admin
      Tunnel Appliance Tunnel Service https://Tunnel-Appliance-IP-Address/ui/admin
      Cloud Director Combined Appliance Cloud Service https://Appliance-IP-Address/ui/admin
      Manager Service https://Appliance-IP-Address:8441/ui/admin
      Replicator Service https://Appliance-IP-Address:8440/ui/admin
      Tunnel Service https://Appliance-IP-Address:8442/ui/admin
    2. Log in as the root user.
    3. In the left pane, click Support Bundles.
    4. In the Support bundles page, click Generate new.
    5. In the Generate a support bundle window, to initiate creating a support bundle, click Generate.
      The cloud site provider can also collect on-premises support bundles by activating the Generate a support bundle from On-Premises site(s) toggle. Then select the on-premises sites to include in the support bundle. The logs of all the selected on-premises appliances that allow* log collection from the cloud are included in the cloud-bundle-id-date-timestamp.tar.bz2 file, under manager/mgr.tar.bz2/onprems/rtr-id.tar.bz2.

      *Collecting on-premises logs from the cloud requires version 4.4 or later in both the cloud site and in the on-premises sites and also requires the on-premises administrator to activate the Allow log collection from Cloud toggle when initially pairing with the cloud site or during repairing. For information about allowing on-premises log collection from the cloud, see Repair with a remote site.

    6. After generating support bundles, in the Bundle Id column, to download a support bundle click the bundle id link.
    7. In the Download Support Bundle window, to save the support bundle file locally click Download.
      In the Web browser, the cloud-bundle-id-date-timestamp.tar.bz2 file starts downloading.
    8. After generating 10 support bundles, to generate new bundle first remove some of the old bundles by selecting them and clicking Delete.
      If you attempt to generate an 11th support bundle, after you click Generate a Warning window shows Support bundle quota exceeded. Number of allowed bundles: 10, current bundle count: 10.
  • If you cannot access the management interface of the VMware Cloud Director Availability appliance, collect a support bundle by using a Secure Shell (SSH) client.
    1. Open an SSH connection to the VMware Cloud Director Availability virtual machine and log in by using the root user credentials.
    2. Create a folder for the support bundle.
      mkdir /opt/vmware/h4/serviceType/support/$(uuidgen)
      cd /opt/vmware/h4/serviceType
      For serviceType, use one of the arguments: cloud, manager, replicator, or tunnel, according to the Component in the above table.
      • For On-Premises to Cloud Director Replication Appliance use replicator.
      • For On-Premises to Cloud vCenter Replication Appliance use manager.
      • For vCenter Replication Management Appliance use manager.
    3. To generate the support bundle run the /opt/vmware/h4/bin/ script and provide arguments with the deployment type of the appliance and the output folder.
      • In a dedicated appliance deployment type, open an SSH connection to each VMware Cloud Director Availability appliance and run the script
        /opt/vmware/h4/bin/ serviceType $(ls -t /opt/vmware/h4/serviceType/support/ | head -1)
      • For the Cloud Service, the following example collects all logs.
        /opt/vmware/h4/bin/ cloud $(ls -t /opt/vmware/h4/cloud/support/ | head -1)
    4. Download the /opt/vmware/h4/serviceType/support/UUID/bundle-YYYY-MM-DD_HH-mm-SS-Time-Zone/serviceType-bundle-YYYY-MM-DD_HH-mm-SS-Time-Zone.tar.bz2 support bundle file.
  • Collect a vCenter Server instance support bundle.
    1. In a Web browser, go to https://vCenter-Server-FQDN:443/appliance/support-bundle.
    2. Log in by using the root user credentials, and click Enter to start the download of the vCenter Server support bundle.
  • For cloud sites backed by VMware Cloud Director, collect a VMware Cloud Director support bundle by using a Secure Shell (SSH) client.
    1. Open an SSH connection to the VMware Cloud Director virtual machine and log in by using your user credentials.
    2. Generate the support bundle file.
      /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/bin/vmware-vcd-support --all --multicell
    3. Download the vmware-vcd-support-YYYY-MM-DD.NNNN.tgz support bundle file from the /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/data/transfer/vmware-vcd-support folder.


After downloading the support bundles, you can provide them to VMware Technical Support.