For security reasons, you can change the root users passwords of the VMware Cloud Director Availability appliances.


  1. Log in to the management interface of the VMware Cloud Director Availability appliance.
    1. In a Web browser, go to https://Appliance-IP-Address/ui/admin.
    2. Select Appliance login enter the root user credentials.
    3. Click Login.
  2. In the left pane under Configuration, click Settings.
  3. Under Appliance settings, next to Root password click Change.
  4. In the VMware Cloud Director Availability Appliance Password window, change the root user password.
    1. In the Current Password text box, you must enter the current password of the root user.
    2. In the New Password text box, enter the new password for the root user.

      The password that you enter must be a secured password with a minimum of eight characters and it must consist of:

      • At least one lowercase letter.

      • At least one uppercase letter.

      • At least one number.

      • At least one special character, such as & # %.

    3. In the Confirm Password text box, enter the same new password.
    4. To confirm the password change, click Apply.


You changed the password of the root user of the appliance.

What to do next

You can change the root users passwords of the remaining VMware Cloud Director Availability appliances.
Note: VMware Cloud Director Availability does not store the root user password for services communications and operations.
No further actions are required after any of the VMware Cloud Director Availability appliances root users passwords changes:
  • The root user password is used only for administrative logins to the appliance.
  • Changing the root user password of the Cloud Director Replication Management Appliance in a cloud site does not affect the paired cloud sites and does not affect the paired on-premises sites.
  • The Replicator Service instances paired with the Cloud Service continue operating normally after changing the root users passwords of the Replicator Appliance instances and the Cloud Director Replication Management Appliance.
  • The Cloud Service only uses the Tunnel Applianceroot user password to enable the Tunnel Service for the first time.
  • Changing the root user password of the On-Premises to Cloud Director Replication Appliance does not affect the pairing with the cloud site.