In a cloud environment with VMware Cloud Director™, deploy VMware Cloud Director Availability from a single OVA file for deploying all of the appliances roles, either by using the vSphere Client, or the VMware OVF Tool.

The VMware Cloud Director Availability appliances come as preconfigured virtual machines that are optimized for running the VMware Cloud Director Availability services.

The provider appliances have a name in the form VMware-Cloud-Director-Availability-Provider-release.number.xxxx-build_number_OVF10.ova.
Note: After deploying an appliance, for the first time only power it on from vSphere. Attempting to power it on for the first time from the ESXi user interface results in errors and that require redeploying the appliance from the scratch and then powering it on from vSphere.
Follow this chapter and in a production cloud site backed by VMware Cloud Director, repeat the procedures to deploy all of the following VMware Cloud Director Availability appliances:
  • One Cloud Director Replication Management Appliance.
  • One or more Replicator Appliance instances.
  • One, or optionally, two Tunnel Appliance instances.

For information about the architecture and each appliance role, see Deployment architecture in the Cloud Director site.