For both on-premises to cloud and cloud to cloud replications, you can set the destination network settings of a vApp or virtual machine. After a migration, failover, or a test failover, VMware Cloud Director Availability applies these network settings in the destination cloud site.

The virtual machines in a vApp can connect to vApp networks and to organization virtual data center networks. One vApp can include both vApp networks and organization VDC networks. The networks added to the vApp use the network pool that is associated with the organization VDC in which the vApp is created.

A vApp network can be routed, direct, also called bridged, or isolated - a vApp network contained within the vApp.

After creating a vApp network, routing it to an organization VDC network provides connectivity to virtual machines outside of the vApp. The routed vApp networks support network services, such as a firewall and static routing.

  • For cloud to cloud replications, VMware Cloud Director Availability replicates all the supported types of source vApp networks in the destination cloud site along with their source networks settings like: IP pools, NAT routes, firewall rules, and DNS settings.

    VMware Cloud Director Availability 4.6 or later, backed by VMware Cloud Director 10.3 or later, supports routed vApp networks and vApp network services for virtual data centers backed by NSX, as well as the DHCP service on vApp isolated networks.

    • Fencing a vApp is not supported in virtual data centers backed by NSX. Change the vApp network type to a routed network or to an isolated network.
    • A vApp Edge (standalone tier-1 gateway) can only be connected to an overlay organization VDC network: routed, isolated and imported (not VLAN).
    • To configure a routed vApp network and use any of the vApp network services, including the DHCP service on vApp isolated networks, the containing organization virtual data center must be configured with an edge cluster. For more information, see the Prerequisites in Add a Network to a vApp in the VMware Cloud Director documentation.
    In the previous versions, when replicating from NSX Data Center for vSphere to NSX-backed destination VDC, these networking features cannot be replicated:
    • If the NAT-routed vApp networks are attached to an organization VDC network, they are replicated as bridged, also called direct networks in the destination site. The source vApp routed networks are automatically converted to direct (VDC) networks with all of their network services dropped, for example, firewall rules, NAT, DHCP and others.

    • Isolated source networks replicate in the destination site as isolated networks with dropped DHCP support.

  • For on-premises to cloud replications, VMware Cloud Director Availability creates a new bridged vApp network in the destination cloud site and you can configure the vApp network settings.

    If not explicitly selected, the destination organization VDC networks are automatically resolved. The mapping is based on the default network gateways and applies on failover, on migrate, and to the test network settings.