As a provider, you can generate and export Recovery Point Objective (RPO) compliance reports, grouped on an organization level, listing any RPO violations of the existing protections for a specified period. These reports show whether, in the given period, any protection to the site and from it to on-premises sites meets its RPO.

For all organizations or for a selected organization, the RPO compliance reports include all existing protections for a specified period. View the currently generated report and optionally, export it in a couple of file formats. Optionally, on the reports page select showing only protections with RPO violations and only non-deleted protections.

For more information about RPO, see Recovery Point Objective - RPO.

Generating and Exporting RPO Compliance Reports

Generate an RPO Compliance Report

To generate an RPO compliance report, in the left pane click Reports.

The RPO Compliance Reports page generates the RPO compliance report data for all organizations. When generating a report, specify the following report options that affect both the generated and the exported reports.

  • In the top, enter the beginning and the end of the reporting period.
  • Optionally, filter the organizations in the generated report by selecting it from the Organization drop-down menu:
    • To include every organization in the report, select All.
    • Alternatively, to filter the report by an organization, select one.
  • Optionally, to filter out the protections owned by the system and not visible for the tenants from the generated report, with any specific organizations selected from the Organization drop-down menu, deselect Include system owned replications.
Export an RPO Compliance Report
After generating the report with all the specified options above, you can export the generated report to a file in your browser that you can save. The exported report contains the same information, filtered as selected above.
  • To export the report in an HTML file, click View HTML Report File.
  • To export the report in a tab-delimited file, click View TSV Report File.

RPO Compliance Report Structure

  • Paused protections report RPO violations and are present in the report.
  • If no protections exist for the specified period, the report is empty.
For each organization, under its own section, the report orders the data in the following two sections:
Cloud Destination Report
Ordered by: source site > vApp name > vApp ID > VM name > VM ID > start time in descending order, that is newest first.

This destination report section includes protections from both on-premises sites and from cloud sites to cloud sites.

On-premises Destination Report
Ordered by: destination site > vApp name > vApp ID > VM name > VM ID > start time in descending order, that is newest first.

This destination report section includes protections from this cloud site to on-premises sites.

Viewing a Generated RPO Compliance Report

After generating the report, you can further filter the displayed data on the RPO Compliance Reports page. The following options do not affect exported reports and only affect the page view.
  • Expand and Collapse toggle expansion and contraction for all the sections.
  • To hide any protections without existing RPO violations, select Show violations only. Each protection can show multiple violations.
  • To hide any non-active protections, deleted by the time the report runs, select Hide deleted replications. The Is alive column shows No for protections that existed at the specified period and are no longer active at the runtime of the report.
  • For any still existing protection, clicking the replication id link under the Replication id column navigates you to the replications page, filtered for displaying only the specified protection.
Important: The RPO compliance reports include only data for replications configured as protections. Migrations are not part of these reports.


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