As a provider you can validate the compliance status of each replication policy to see the exceeding quotas, minimum RPO conflicts, and instances conflicts.


Verify that you can access VMware Cloud Director Availability as a provider. For more information, see Accessing the VMware Cloud Director Availability Provider Portal.


  1. In the left pane under Configuration, click Policies.
  2. In the Policies page, select a replication policy.


In the bottom pane, the Compliance status table shows with a list of all organizations to which the selected policy is assigned and the number of configured replications for each organization.

In the last three columns in the Compliance status table, you can see the number of replication policy conflicts, listed as:
  • Number of incoming replications exceeding the selected policy quota.
  • Number of incoming replications violating the minimum allowed RPO.
  • Number of incoming replications retaining more instances than the policy limit.