To prepare the on-premise site for L2 stretch from the Cloud Director site, first deploy NSX Autonomous Edge, then register it and configure its network adapters by using the On-Premises to Cloud Director Replication Appliance. To complete the L2 stretch, in the cloud site, depending on the NSX version create the server L2 VPN session and then create the client L2 VPN session on-premises.

Important: Verify that the prerequisites for NSX and for VMware Cloud Director in the cloud site are met and that you follow the steps in the procedure below in the correct order.

Procedure Overview

Before stretching the L2 networks, ensure that you follow the procedure in the correct order:

  1. Initially, prepare the on-premises site for L2 VPN with NSX Autonomous Edge:
    Note: This on-premises procedure only applies for on-premises sites not managed by NSX. If NSX manages the on-premises site, skip this on-premises section and its subsections and to create a client L2 VPN session and an L2 stretch follow the NSX documentation.
    1. To allow for an L2 stretch on-premises, first deploy an NSX Autonomous Edge appliance. For more information, see Deploy an NSX Autonomous Edge appliance on-premises.
    2. After deploying NSX Autonomous Edge on-premises, register the newly deployed NSX Autonomous Edge by using the On-Premises to Cloud Director Replication Appliance. For more information, see Register the NSX Autonomous Edge on-premises.
    3. After registering the NSX Autonomous Edge, configure its network adapters by using the On-Premises to Cloud Director Replication Appliance. For more information, see Configure the networks of the NSX Autonomous Edge on-premises.
  2. Complete the L2 stretch from on-premises to the cloud site by creating the server and the client VPN sessions:
    1. After configuring the NSX Autonomous Edge on-premises, in the cloud site use its IP address when creating the server L2 VPN session. Depending on the NSX version in the cloud site, follow the correct procedure:
    2. Finally, complete the L2 stretch by using the On-Premises to Cloud Director Replication Appliance. For more information, see Create a client L2 VPN session on-premises.