If the available appliance disk space is low, you can remove obsolete or unnecessary files.

After using advanced troubleshooting or if the disk space is low you can regularly clean up the appliance disk space.


  1. Clear the VMware Cloud Director Availability appliance service logs.
    1. Connect to the VMware Cloud Director Availability appliance by using a Secure Shell (SSH) client and authenticate as the root user.
    2. Navigate to the following folders and remove the service logs that are old or unnecessary.
      • /opt/vmware/h4/cloud/log
      • /opt/vmware/h4/manager/log
      • /opt/vmware/h4/replicator/log
      • /opt/vmware/h4/tunnel/log
  2. Clear the VMware Cloud Director Availability appliance support bundles.
    1. In a Web browser, go to https://Appliance-IP-Address/ui/admin and log in as the root user or as a single sign on user.
    2. In the left pane, click Support and delete all unnecessary support bundles.
    3. Log in to the VMware Cloud Director Availability appliance by using a Secure Shell (SSH) client and authenticate as the root user.
    4. Navigate to the following folders and remove the support bundles that are not available under the Support bundles page.
      • /opt/vmware/h4/cloud/support
      • /opt/vmware/h4/manager/support
      • /opt/vmware/h4/replicator/support
      • /opt/vmware/h4/tunnel/support
  3. For dedicated Replicator Appliance instances, remove the core dumps.
    1. Connect to each Replicator Appliance by using a Secure Shell (SSH) client and authenticate as the root user.
    2. Navigate to the /var/core/ folder and remove the HBR core* files.


The available disk space on the VMware Cloud Director Availability appliance is increased.

What to do next

You can also check the /var/log and the /tmp folders for unnecessary files and delete them.