When the SSL certificate of a VMware Cloud Director Availability service expires, you can use the service management interface of that service to regenerate the certificate.


  1. Log in to the VMware Cloud Director Availability management interface.
    1. In a web browser, go to https://Appliance-IP-address/ui/admin.
    2. Select SSO login or Appliance login, and enter the single sign-on or the root user credentials.
    3. Click Login.
  2. In the left pane under Configuration, click Settings.
  3. Under Appliance settings, next to Certificate click Regenerate.
  4. In the Regenerate Certificate window, click Apply.


After the certificate is regenerated, all VMware Cloud Director Availability services that run on the same appliance restart.

What to do next

You can find the old certificate at /opt/vmware/h4/serviceType/config/keystore.p12.bak, where serviceType is cloud, manager, replicator, or tunnel.