After registering a Replicator Service instance, replacing the Cloud Service certificate, or upgrading VMware Cloud Director Availability in the local site, go to each paired remote site and re-pair each remote site with the local site backed by VMware Cloud Director.

To re-pair site A with site B, repeat the steps twice and perform the re-pairing procedure in both cloud sites:
  1. In cloud site A, initiate re-pairing with a remote cloud site B.
  2. In cloud site B, complete re-pairing with site A.


  1. Log in to the management interface of the Cloud Director Replication Management Appliance.
    1. In a Web browser, go to https://Appliance-IP-Address/ui/admin.
    2. Select Appliance login or SSO login and enter the root or the single sign-on user credentials.
    3. Click Login.
  2. In the left pane under Configuration, click Peer Sites.
  3. In the Peer Sites page, select a remote cloud site for repairing with and click Repair.
  4. In the Update Pairing window, verify the pairing settings of the remote site and click Update.
    Option Description
    Site name Dimmed, as the site name cannot be changed.
    Public Service Endpoint Verify that the both the Public Service Endpoint address and the network port of the remote site are correct.
    Description Optionally, enter a description for the cloud site.
  5. To complete the re-pair process, verify the thumbprint and accept the remote Cloud Service SSL certificate.
    The trust between the two sites is successfully reestablished.
  6. Under Peer Sites, verify that the remote site shows as Repaired.


You reestablished the site trust and can configure new incoming and outgoing replications between the sites.

What to do next

You can configure new replications, after modifying the default replication policy for both the source and for the destination organization to allow replications. Alternatively, a custom replication policy that is assigned to the source and to the destination organizations must allow replications. For information about the replication policy, see Configuring Replication Policies in the User Guide.