Enter a site name as an identifier of this Cloud Service instance and register this Cloud Service with VMware Cloud Director™ and with the local vCenter Server Lookup service. By following the wizard, register this Cloud Service with one or more Replicator Service instances and with the primary* Tunnel Service.



  1. In a Web browser, go to https://Cloud-Replication-Management-Appliance-IP-Address/.
    As this Cloud Director Replication Management Appliance is not yet configured, you are redirected to https://Cloud-Replication-Management-Appliance-IP-Address/ui/provider.
  2. Log in by using the root user password that you set during the OVA deployment.
  3. If you log in to the appliance for the first time, you must change the initial root user password.
    1. Enter the initial root user password that you set during the OVA deployment.
    2. Enter and confirm a new password.
      The password that you enter must be a secured password with a minimum of eight characters and it must consist of:
      • At least one lowercase letter.
      • At least one uppercase letter.
      • At least one number.
      • At least one special character, such as & # %.
    3. Click Apply.
      The Getting Started tab opens.
  4. Under Steps for fresh installation click Run the initial setup wizard.
    Under Deploy the Cloud Replication Management Appliance, you see the IP address of this newly deployed Cloud Director Replication Management Appliance.
  5. To set up this Cloud Service instance, complete the Initial Setup wizard.
    1. On the Licensing page, enter a license key for VMware Cloud Director Availability™ and click Save and continue.
      After providing a valid license key, if you cancel the initial setup wizard, on subsequent attempts the license key is greyed-out and the page does not allow entering it again.
    2. On the Site Details page, configure this Cloud Service instance site and click Save and continue.
      Option Description
      Site Name Enter a site name for this Cloud Service instance.
      Important: The site name is used as an identifier of this instance of VMware Cloud Director Availability and cannot be changed later without impacting the active replications.
      Public Service Endpoint address Optionally, now enter the Public Service Endpoint address.

      Alternatively, now you can skip entering this address and provide it later, after you complete the initial configuration.

      Description Optionally, enter a description for this site.

      Choose which data engines to be activated

      Activate either one or both data engines for replications:

      • Classic data engine supports both migrations and protections.
      • VMC data engine supports only migrations.
      For information about activating the data engines after completing the initial setup, see Activate data engine for replications in the Administration Guide.
    3. On the VMware Cloud Director page, register this Cloud Service instance with VMware Cloud Director and click Save and continue.
      Option Description
      VMware Cloud Director endpoint URL Enter the address of VMware Cloud Director and press Tab, auto-completing the address as https://VMware-Cloud-Director-IP-Address:443/api.
      VMware Cloud Director user name Enter the user name of a System administrator user in VMware Cloud Director. For example, use administrator@system.
      VMware Cloud Director password Enter the password of the VMware Cloud Director System administrator user.
      Verify the thumbprint and accept the SSL certificate of VMware Cloud Director. If you provide a user with insufficient privileges in VMware Cloud Director, it returns an error message: Unexpected VMware Cloud Director error. [ UI-id ] This operation is denied.

      When successfully registered in VMware Cloud Director, the Cloud Service installs the plug-ins named Setup DRaaS and Migration and Availability (localSite).

    4. On the Replicator Service instances page, register this Cloud Service instance with the vCenter Server Lookup service and with one or more Replicator Service instances, then click Save and continue.
      Option Description
      Lookup Service address Enter the address of the vCenter Server Lookup service and press Tab, auto-completing the address as https://Lookup-Service-IP-Address:443/lookupservice/sdk.

      For information about the supported topologies, see Deployment requirements in the Cloud Director site.

      Replicator 1 Replicator API Service Endpoint Enter the endpoint address of the first Replicator Service instance and press Tab, auto-completing the address as https://Replicator-IP-Address:8043.
      Replicator Service root password Enter the password of the root user of the Replicator Appliance instance.
      Test connection Click to verify the connectivity to this endpoint and its root user password and to save this Replicator Service instance. If the password is not set since deploying the appliance, you must change the initial root user password.

      When prompted, enter the initial root user password that you set during the OVA deployment. Enter and confirm a new password.

      The password that you enter must be a secured password with a minimum of eight characters and it must consist of:

      • At least one lowercase letter.
      • At least one uppercase letter.
      • At least one number.
      • At least one special character, such as: & # % .
      SSO user name Enter a user with administrative privileges in the local site single sign-on domain, for example [email protected].
      SSO password The password for the administrative user.
      Description Optionally, enter a description for this Replicator Service instance.
      Add a Replicator Service instance Optionally, add more Replicator Service instances.
      Use the above Lookup Service address for Cloud, Manager, and Tunnel
      • Since version 4.6, by default this toggle is inactive, meaning the vCenter Server Lookup service address applies only for the Replicator Service instances.
        Important: By not using this address for the Manager Service, the Cloud Service, and the Tunnel Service where its optional, they show Lookup Service Unconfigured, as expected for vCenter Server Lookup service that is not configured.

        By leaving this toggle inactive does not allow single sign-on (SSO) user authentication for these services. To later configure the vCenter Server Lookup service address for them, see the steps in Configure the services to accept the vCenter Server Lookup service certificate and optionally allow SSO in the Administration Guide.

      • Alternatively, to also use this vCenter Server Lookup service address for the Manager Service, for the Cloud Service, and for the Tunnel Service, and also enable SSO for all these services, activate this toggle.
      Verify the thumbprints and accept the SSL certificates of the vCenter Server Lookup service and of each of the configured Replicator Service instances.
    5. On the Tunnel Service page, register this Cloud Service with the primary* Tunnel Service, test the connection, and click Save and continue.
      Option Description
      Tunnel Service Address Enter the API endpoint address of the primary* Tunnel Service and press Tab, auto-completing the address as https://Tunnel-IP-Address:8047.
      Root Password Enter the password of the root user of the Tunnel Appliance.
      Test Connection Click to verify the connectivity to the endpoint and the root user password, and save the Tunnel Service. If the password is not set since deploying the appliance, you must change the initial root user password.

      Enter the initial root user password that you set during the OVA deployment. Enter and confirm a new password.

      The password that you enter must be a secured password with a minimum of eight characters and it must consist of:

      • At least one lowercase letter.
      • At least one uppercase letter.
      • At least one number.
      • At least one special character, such as: & # % .
      * During the initial configuration, register only the primary Tunnel Appliance. For information about the Tunnel Service high availability and registering a second Tunnel Appliance instance, see Add a second Tunnel Appliance for HA in the Cloud Director site.
      Verify the thumbprint and accept the SSL certificate of the Tunnel Service.
    6. On the Ready To Complete page, review the Cloud Service configuration summary and click Finish.
  6. Before pairing, as a provider you must add each Cloud Service instance for metering in VMware vCloud® Usage Meter.
    For information about adding the cloud sites instances in vCloud Usage Meter, see vCloud Usage Meter Integration.
  7. (Optional) Verify that the Cloud Service configuration is correct.
    1. In the left pane under System, click System Health.
    2. On the System health page, ensure that the statuses show as green OK.

What to do next

After adding the Cloud Service instances in vCloud Usage Meter, you can now pair this Cloud Service instance with cloud sites and with one or more On-Premises to Cloud Director Replication Appliance instances.

For information about pairing and metering the cloud site, see Managing pairing with Cloud Director sites in the Administration Guide.