In the VMware OVF Tool console, you can deploy a On-Premises to Cloud Director Replication Appliance by using a single .OVA installation file. You define deployment parameters in the OVF Tool console and run the deployment script.



  1. Log in to a server where the OVF Tool is running, by using a Secure Shell (SSH) client.
  2. Define deployment parameters in the OVF Tool console by running the following commands.
    # VMNAME="Name-to-be-Assigned-to-the-VM"
    # VSPHERE_DATASTORE="vSphere-datastore"
    # VSPHERE_NETWORK="VM-Network"
    # OVA="local_client_path/VMware-Cloud-Director-Availability-On-Premises-release_number-xxx-build_number_OVF10.ova"
    # VSPHERE_USER="vCenter-Server-admin-user"
    # VSPHERE_USER_PASSWORD="vCenter-Server-admin-user-password"
    # VSPHERE_ADDRESS="vCenter-Server-IP-address"
    # VSPHERE_LOCATOR="vSphere-locator"
  3. Deploy the On-Premises to Cloud Director Replication Appliance.

    The following example script deploys a On-Premises to Cloud Director Replication Appliance and sets a static IP address.

    # echo $VMNAME
    #./ovftool/ovftool --name="${VMNAME}" --datastore="${VSPHERE_DATASTORE}" --acceptAllEulas
    --powerOn --X:enableHiddenProperties --X:injectOvfEnv --X:waitForIp
    --ipAllocationPolicy=fixedPolicy --machineOutput --noSSLVerify
    --overwrite --powerOffTarget "--net:VM Network=${VSPHERE_NETWORK}" --diskMode=thin
    The console outputs the IP address of the On-Premises to Cloud Director Replication Appliance.