In the appliance management interface, you can upgrade VMware Cloud Director Availability to the latest version by specifying an online or a local repository that contains the upgrade binaries.


Verify that the appliance has a network access to the specified repository.


  1. If the network restricts the appliances online Internet access, prepare a local repository with the upgrade files.
    1. To host the upgrade files inside the internal network, install and configure a local Web server.
    2. Download the VMware-Cloud-Director-Availability-release.number.xxxxxxx-build_sha.iso file, that contains the VMware Cloud Director Availabilityrelease.number Upgrade Disk Image.
    3. To access the image file contents, mount the downloaded .iso file to a local computer.
    4. Copy the update directory to the local Web server.
      The update directory contains the manifest files and the dnf subdirectory.
  2. Log in to the management interface of the appliance.
    1. In a Web browser, go to https://Appliance-IP-address/ui/admin.
    2. Select Appliance login or SSO login and enter the root or the single sign-on user credentials.
    3. Click Login.
  3. In the left pane, click Settings.
  4. Under Version, next to Product version click Check for updates.
  5. Upgrade the appliance by completing the Update wizard.
    1. On the Repository page, select Use Specified Repository.
    2. On the Repository URL text box, specify the repository URL address then click Next.
      • If the appliance has Internet access, enter the following URL and specify the target version
      • Alternatively, enter the URL address of the local repository pointing to the update/dnf directory of the local Web server. For example, enter http://local-Web-server-address/update/dnf.
    3. On the Available updates page, select an update then click Next.
    4. On the Release notes page, read the notes for this version then click Next.
    5. On the EULA Review page, to accept the end-user license agreement click Next.
    6. On the Ready for update page, confirm creating a backup by selecting the I have created a backup archive of the appliance. checkbox then click Finish.
    The appliance automatically restarts.
  6. After the appliance restarts, verify that the upgrade is successful.
    1. Connect to the appliance console either by using a Secure Shell (SSH) client or by using the vSphere Client and log in as the root user.
    2. Open the upgrade log file.
      less /var/log/upgrade.log
    3. When upgrading to version 4.6.x, verify that the upgrade log contains the following log entry near the end.
      'Postupgrade to 4.6.x complete.'
      Once the following tailing lines are logged at the end of the log file, the appliance automatically reboots in 15 seconds: [date-timestamp] # set -o pipefail; /usr/bin/systemd-run --on-active=15 /usr/sbin/reboot 2>&1 | /usr/bin/gawk '{ print strftime("[%Y-%m-%d %T %Z]"), $0 }' | tee -a /var/log/upgrade.log 1>&2 [date-timestamp] Running timer as unit: run-re595c8a07fe845bbb87e6c36f866caf2.timer [date-timestamp] Will run service as unit: run-re595c8a07fe845bbb87e6c36f866caf2.service

What to do next

After you upgrade the appliance, complete the upgrade with a post-upgrade configuration. For more information, see Post-upgrade configuration.