VMware Cloud Director Availability counts the traffic data transferred by each virtual machine replication and aggregates the traffic volume information per organization. In a cloud site, you can monitor the traffic for every replication in all directions and you can also monitor the traffic for every organization.

VMware Cloud Director Availability shows the replication traffic volume that an on premises or a cloud site generates for a given period.

Traffic Usage Monitoring Collection Mechanism

  • The Manager Service collects the traffic information for all replications to and from cloud sites and to and from on premises sites. The Manager Service aggregates the traffic information by organization.
  • The cloud Replicator Service instance always collects the replication data traffic, for any replication direction. The traffic count includes the replication protocol overhead and TLS overhead and excludes TCP/IP/Ethernet/VPN overhead. If the stream is compressed, the Replicator Service counts the compressed bytes.
  • Every 300 seconds, the Manager Service records to its persistent storage the historical traffic information from all connected Replicator Service instances. In an event of a Replicator Service instance failure, up to five minutes of historical traffic information might be lost.

Traffic Usage Monitoring Retention

  • You can access both live and historical traffic information for virtual machine replications, or historical traffic information per organization.

  • When querying the historical traffic information, you can set the beginning and the end of the information period.
  • VMware Cloud Director Availability stores the historical traffic information for the following intervals:
    • 5 minutes intervals, available for the last 5 hours.
    • Hourly intervals, available for the last 14 days
    • Daily intervals, available for the last 60 days