As a provider, in the management interface of VMware Cloud Director Availability you can see the activity summary report for the week.

This activity summary report:
  • Counts only incoming replications* to the cloud site. As a provider you see data for each organization and for each replication.
  • Counts the current state for active protections and migrations.
  • Counts all of the performed: failover, test, migrate, new or deleted replications for the specified period and the total data transferred this week.
Note: * Replications using the VMC data engine are not part of the summary report.



  1. In the left pane, click Reports.
    Note: As a provider you can see Reports.

    Alternatively, as either a tenant or a provider, you can subscribe to a weekly email containing the same data. For more information, see Subscribe for weekly summary report in the Administration Guide.

  2. On the Reports page, click the Activity Summary tab.
  3. From the Organization drop-down menu select an organization for which you want to filter the displayed traffic information.
  4. In the top, enter both the beginning and the end dates of the reporting period.
    Note: The selected period can be a maximum of one week earlier than the current date.
    In the bottom of the report chart, you can see the activity summary for the selected interval.
  5. To open the activity summary report in a new HTML page in printable format, enter the beginning and the end of the reporting period and click View HTML report file.

What to do next

You can subscribe for a weekly email containing the same report. For more information, see Subscribe for weekly summary report in the Administration Guide.