Performing a test failover for an already created replication validates that the workload from the source site replicates correctly in the destination site.

Perform a test failover for an existing replication, then cleanup the test data.

Test Failover Workflow: Protected>Test>Failover Test Ready>Cleanup


Before testing failover:
  • Verify that in the destination datastore, at least double the allocated storage of the virtual machine is available for a successful test failover. For information about the storage requirements, see Storage Space Consumption in the Destination.
  • Verify that in VMware Cloud Director, the VM discovery option is not activated. For information about deactivating virtual machine discovery, see Discovering and Adopting VMs in the VMware Cloud Director documentation.
  • Verify that the replication is already created and the workload is replicated in the destination site. For more information, see Create a protection or Create a migration.
  • Verify that you can access VMware Cloud Director Availability as a tenant or as a provider. For more information, see Accessing VMware Cloud Director Availability.
  • Verify that for Cloud Director sites, VMware Cloud Director Availability 4.7 or later is deployed in both source and destination sites when backed by VMware Cloud Director for:


  1. In the left pane, choose a replication direction by clicking Incoming Replications or Outgoing Replications.
  2. Select an exiting replication to test the failover, then click All actions > Test.
  3. Complete the Test wizard and depending on the source and destination sites configure the different test failover settings for the selected workloads.
    • Start from step e when testing with Cloud Director sites, skipping steps a, b, c, and d.
    • Start from step a for vSphere DR and migration test between vCenter Server sites.
    1. The Default Settings page shows when the selected replication is already configured with recovery settings and to use them and skip to step e, select Use preset Recovery Settings.
      For information about configuring the recovery settings for vSphere DR and migration between vCenter Server sites, see Configure recovery settings for vSphere DR and migration.
    2. On the VM Folder page, select a destination location for storing the test failover virtual machines, then click Next.
    3. On the Compute Resource page, select a destination compute resource for the test failover virtual machines, then click Next.
    4. On the Network Mappings page, select a network mapping for each adapter connected to each virtual machine, then click Next.
    5. On the Recovery Settings page, select the configuration for the recovered test workload depending on the destination site, then click Next.
      Option Description
      Security tags For tests to and from Cloud Director sites:

      To copy the security tags from the source virtual machine then during recovery apply them to the destination virtual machine, select the Copy security tags check box.

      Power settings

      Powers on the recovered workload in the destination site after the test task completes.

      Network Settings
      For tests to and from Cloud Director sites:
      • Select Apply preconfigured network settings on failover, to assign the network configured during the virtual machine replication.
      • Select Connect all VMs to network and from the drop-down menu select a network to connect the replicated virtual machines to.
      VDC policy settings For tests to and from Cloud Director sites:
      Note: When a VDC policy with the same name already applies on the source workload, it is pre-selected for you. You can choose to either keep it, or select another VDC policy.
      • Select the organization placement policy to apply on the recovered workloads from the VM placement policy drop-down menu.
      • Select the organization sizing policy from the VM sizing policy drop-down menu. With no sizing policy selected for the replication, VMware Cloud Director automatically applies the system default sizing policy on the destination virtual machine.
      For more information, see VDC compute policies.
    6. On the Recovery Instance page, when instances are preserved, select the recovery point in time, then click Next.
      Option Description
      Synchronize all VMs to their current state

      Creates an instance of the powered on workload with its latest changes and uses that instance for the test failover.

      Manually select existing instance

      Select an instance without synchronizing the data for the recovered workload.

    7. On the Ready To Complete page, verify that the test settings are correct, then click Finish.
    The Last changed column shows the test progress in percentages. When the test of the workload completes, the Recovery state column of this replication shows a green Test image ready state.
  4. (Optional) In the bottom pane, to monitor the progress of the task, click the Tasks tab.
  5. To delete the test failover results, select the replication to clean.
    Performing test failover without cleaning the previous test results, executes an automatic clean up first.
    1. Click All actions > Test Cleanup.
    2. In the Test Cleanup window, click Cleanup.
    The cleanup deletes all recovered vApps and virtual machines.

What to do next

  • You can fail over the workload to the destination site. For more information, see Failover of a replication.
  • You can perform a failover or edit the replication settings. To no longer protect the workload, you can permanently stop the traffic of this replication, remove the replication and remove all retained replication instances and cleanup any test data, by clicking All actions > Delete replication then confirming the deletion.