VMware Cloud Director Availability shows the destination required resources of the replications provisioned on a failover. Select a destination organization, or organization VDC, a replication, or one or more source replication sites for the required destination resources to calculate the required destination capacity and compute resources for successfully failing over the protected source workloads to the destination site.

Required resources aggregates the following information:

The sum of the number of vCPUs of the source virtual machines.
The sum of the source virtual machine memory sizes.
Disk capacity
The sum of the capacity of the replicated disks.
Note: Since VMware Cloud Director Availability 4.3.1, vApp template replications include only the storage calculation.

The required resources are available for each replication that does not have a test failover and is not failed over. Replicated templates are not part of the required resources calculation.

Aggregated information about the required resources is available on a vApp replication level as a sum of the required resources for each virtual machine replication in the vApp.

The required resources can help both the tenants and the providers with estimates about their organization VDCs:

  • The tenants can see the required resources to fail over and power on the protected workloads from any or all source sites in the destination cloud site. Also, the required resources per VDC help the tenants estimate their organization VDCs capacity and help with provisioning planning.
  • The providers can see the required resources to fail over and power on the protected virtual machines:
    • On a destination organization level as a sum of the required resources for each organization VDC in the organization.
    • On a destination organization VDC level as a sum of the required resources for each virtual machine replication to the organization VDC to provide extra capacity in the organizations VDCs.
    • Required resources per provider VDC and as a sum of the required resources for each organization VDC in the provider VDC to calculate the level of over-provisioning for the disaster recovery environment.