As a user, you can choose the language of the interface, select the color theme between high-contrast, dark or light, configure the number of displayed items for the table listings like replications and others, and choose the default selection behavior. These preferences persist in the local storage of your browser.

Since VMware Cloud Director Availability 4.7 you can configure the user interface by selecting your preferences for the current user browser session. For example, to display the interface in your browser by using dimmed palette colors, select the dark theme as on the following screenshot.
Figure 1. My Preferences

My Preferences allows configuring language, color theme, number of rows and default selection behavior.


  • Verify that VMware Cloud Director Availability 4.7 or later is successfully deployed.
  • Verify that you can access VMware Cloud Director Availability as a tenant or as a provider. For more information, see Accessing VMware Cloud Director Availability.


  1. After you log in, in the top navigation bar, click your user name then select My Preferences.
  2. In the My Preferences window, configure your preferences for the display of the interface.
    1. From the Language drop-down menu, select the display language for the user interface, for example select English (default).
    2. From the Color theme drop-down menu, select one of the user interface themes.
      • High contrast theme
      • Light theme
      • Dark theme
    3. Under Table preferences, configure the display layout of the user interface tables.
      Option Description
      Number of items per page
      Select the default page size for top level listings such as replications, recovery plans, and others.
      • 5
      • 10
      • 20 (default)
      • 50
      • 100
      Selection behavior
      Select how mouse interaction with listings behaves.
      • Replace the selected row (default) - clicking another row selects the new row.
      • Do not replace the default row - clicking another row keeps the previous row selected.
    4. (Optional) To revert all these preferences to their default values, click Reset all.
    5. To save the selected preferences for your browser session, click Apply.
    Your browser refreshes to apply the changes to your preferences.


The selected preferences apply for the duration of the browser local storage. When its local storage refreshes, for example after clearing the browser cache, the preferences revert to their default values.

What to do next

You can operate with the replications by using the new display settings. For more information, see Replicating workloads.