Include the following four sections when you set up the VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension configuration file.

  • service

  • amqp or mqtt

  • vcd

  • broker


The service section contains properties that define VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension server behavior.
Table 1. service properties and values




Number of threads that the VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension server uses for processing requests.


If True, VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension server uses role-based access control, where users without the correct VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension right cannot deploy clusters.


If True, this value logs all REST calls initiated by VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension to VMware Cloud Director.


If you activate this property, it sends back anonymized usage data back to VMware.


This property indicates whether the VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension server must leverage the latest features of VMware Cloud Director like RDE framework, placement policies or not.

  • Set the legacy_mode to True if VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension 3.1 is configured with VMware Cloud Director 10.1. Native clusters are regular vApps with some Kubernetes specific metadata.

  • Set the legacy_mode to False if VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension 3.1 is configured with VMware Cloud Director >= 10.2. vApps represent native clusters in the form of RDEs powered.


This property indicates whether the VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension server communicates with vCenter servers or not while managing life cycle of clusters.

  • Set to True, if the VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension server cannot access vCenter servers. Use this process for TKG cluster deployments only.

  • Set to False if the VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension server can access to the vCenter servers. This setting is mandatory for native cluster deployments.

amqp | mqtt

  • amqp: During VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension server installation, VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension sets up amqp. This process ensures communication between VMware Cloud Director and the running VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension server. The amqp section controls the AMQP communication parameters. It is necessary to set the following amqp properties for all deployments. For more information on amqp settings, see the VCD API documentation on AMQP. Use amqp bus type for VMware Cloud Director 10.1 and older versions.


    When VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension 3.1 is configured in non legacy_mode, it does not support amqp. It is necessary to use mqtt.

  • mqtt: Starting VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension 3.0.1, VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension supports mqtt message buses for communication with VMware Cloud Director. The minimum VMware Cloud Director version required is 10.2. During VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension installation phase, VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension sets up the mqtt exchange. During upgrades, VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension can switch from amqp to mqtt. It is not possible to switch from mqtt to amqp.

Table 2. amqp | mqtt properties and values






Exchange name unique to VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension .

To communicate with VMware Cloud Director, VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension creates and uses this exchange.


IP or hostname of the VMware Cloud Directoramqp server. This specification can be different from the VMware Cloud Director cell hosts.


amqp user name


amqp password

Other properties can be left in default setting or edited to match site conventions.


Use amqp for VMware Cloud Director 10.1 and older versions.



verify_ssl certificates while communicating with the mqtt exchange.


Use mqtt for VMware Cloud Director 10.2 and newer versions.


This section contains the standard information for VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension server to connect to the VMware Cloud Director server.

Starting VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension 3.1, it is no longer necessary to start VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension with a particular VMware Cloud Director API version. As a side effect, VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension 3.1 does not recognize api_version property under vcd section of the configuration file. You can safely delete this property from the existing configuration files.


The broker section contains properties that define resources the VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension server uses, including organization, VDC, and the template repository location. The following table summarizes the key parameters:

Table 3. broker properties and values




Publicly shared catalog within org that stores Kubernetes templates.


Name of the default template to use if one is not specified during the cluster and node operations. VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension server does not start if this value is invalid.


Revision of the default template to use if one is not specified during cluster and node operations. If this value is invalid, VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension server does not start.


Use IP allocation mode during the install process to build the template. The available values are dhcp or pool. During the creation of clusters for customers, pool ip_allocation_mode is always used.


Org network within vdc that is used during the install process to build the template. It must have outbound access to the public Internet. It is not necessary to connect the VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension appliance to this network.


VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension organization that contains the shared catalog that stores Kubernetes templates.


URL of the template repository that hosts all template definitions and associated script files.


Name of the storage profile to use when creating the temporary vApp used to build the template.


Virtual data-center within org that builds the template during the install process.

The VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension 3.1.0 release includes a new template cookbook version. The following table outlines what template cookbook to use depending on the version of VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension in use.

Table 4. Template cookbooks


Template cookbook

VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension 3.1.0

For the remote_template_cookbook_url property, VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension 3.1 config.yaml refers to the new template cookbook 2.0.

VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension 3.0 and earlier versions

When legacy_mode is set to True, remote_template_cookbook_url of VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension 3.1 config.yaml refers to the old template cookbook.