In this section, you can learn what software is necessary for you to install, depending on your user type and what part of VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension and Kubernetes you interact with.

Table 1. Software Required

User Type



Organization administrators

Kubernetes Container Clusters UI plug-in for VMware Cloud Director.

Use to create and manage Kubernetes clusters. Your service provider publishes this plug-in to your organization, and you can access it in VMware Cloud Director. This plug-in is compatible with VMware Cloud Director 10.3.1 and newer versions.

For more information, see Kubernetes Container Clusters UI Plug-in for VMware Cloud Director.


Use to check Kubernetes clusters or perform troubleshooting tasks.

For instructions on how to install kubectl, refer to the Kubernetes website.

Kubernetes Cluster Author Kubernetes Container Clusters UI plug-in for VMware Cloud Director. Use to create and manage your own Kubernetes clusters. Your organization administrator assigns the Kubernetes Cluster Author role to you.


Use to check Kubernetes clusters or perform troubleshooting tasks.

For instructions on how to install kubectl, refer to the Kubernetes website.

Developers and other Kubernetes users


Use to develop and deploy applications on Kubernetes clusters.