VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension uses Tanzu Kubernetes Grid templates as building blocks for deployment of Kubernetes clusters. This section details how to upload the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid OVA files, and how to share the them with non-administrative tenant users.

Download Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Templates

With VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension 3.1.1, users can deploy clusters from Tanzu Kubernetes Grid templates.

As a service provider, you must download Tanzu Kubernetes Grid templates from the download page and upload them into VMware Cloud Director so tenant users can use them to create clusters using VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension. After the templates are uploaded to VMware Cloud Director, tenants can use the Kubernetes Container Clusters UI plug-in to deploy clusters from the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid templates. For more information, see Create Catalogs and Upload OVA Files.

Sharing Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Templates

Service providers must share the catalog that holds the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid template OVA files, with non-administrative tenant users. This action allows non-administrative tenant users to create, manage, and upgrade clusters.

To share the catalog that holds Tanzu Kubernetes Grid template OVA files with tenants as read-only, you must login to VMware Cloud Director tenant portal as a service provider. For sharing instructions, see Share a Catalog.

For more information on creating this catalog, see Create Catalogs and Upload OVA Files.