If you want to deploy VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension on top of a Cloudian cluster, the Cloudian cluster must meet specific requirements.

Required Cloudian Components

Following is a list of the Cloudian components that you must deploy.

  • A Cloudian HyperStore cluster with at least three nodes.
  • A Cloudian HyperStore Admin Service HTTPS API endpoint accessible from the internal network of VMware Cloud Director. By default, the endpoint is configured to use port 19443.
  • Cloudian HyperStore S3 Service accessible from the internal network of VMware Cloud Director. By default, the S3 service uses port 443 for SSL communication.
  • Cloudian HyperStore Identity and Access Management Service (IAM) accessible from the internal network of VMware Cloud Director. By default, the IAM service uses port 16443 for SSL communication.
  • Cloudian Management Console accessible from external networks.

Required Configuration of Cloudian Components

VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension requires specific configurations of the Cloudian components in your environment.

Following is a list of specific configurations of Cloudian components that VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension requires.

  • Activate single sign-on (SSO) and provide a unique shared key for the Cloudian Management Console. Note the shared key and the SSO login user, as you need them during the configuration of VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension.
  • To meet the VMware Cloud Director user-mapping requirements, increase the maximum length of Cloudian HyperStore user IDs from 64 bytes to 255 bytes.
  • Activate HyperStore Identity and Access Manager.
  • Activate Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols on the S3 endpoint.
  • Activate shared buckets lists.
  • By default, Cloudian HyperStore is configured with an open HTTP port used for the S3 API communication. Use the Cloudian HyperStore HTTP port with VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension only if performance is more important than security. If your tenants need to use the SSE-C encryption type, an opened HTTPS port is required.
  • Create a default storage policy. For more information, see Getting Started with a New HyperStore System in the Cloudian HyperStore Admin Guide.

To use the multi-region feature, you need Cloudian HyperStore version or 7.5.1.

To synchronize the clocks of all VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension and Cloudian nodes, use the same NTP server.

For information about installing, configuring, and scaling Cloudian components for integration with VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension, see https://cloudian.com/vmware-docs/.