For scaling purposes, you can deploy additional instances of VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension behind the load balancer in your environment.


Verify that you deployed additional node or nodes of VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension. See Install VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension.


  1. Open SSH connections to the first instance of VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension that you deployed and to the additional nodes that you are configuring with the same load balancer.
  2. Export the configuration from the initially deployed VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension.
    ose config export --file="configuration-file-name" --secret="vcd-sys-admin-pass"

    The script exports the configuration to an encrypted text file in the root directory.

    For the --file argument value, enter the export filename. For the --secret argument value, enter the password of a VMware Cloud Director system administrator.

  3. Copy the configuration file to the additional VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension instances that you configure.
  4. Import the configuration to the additional instances of VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension.
    ose config import --file="path-to-the-configuration-file" --secret="vcd-sys-admin-pass"

    Here, the --file argument value, is the source directory for the import. The --secret argument value is the password of a VMware Cloud Director system administrator.

  5. Restart the VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension Keeper service on the additional nodes of VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension.
    systemctl restart voss-keeper