You can upgrade to VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension 2.2.3 directly from versions 2.X.

VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension is distributed as an RPM installation file with a name in the format vmware-ose-v.v.v-nnnnnnnn.el7.x86_64.rpm, where v.v.v is the product version and nnnnnnnn is the build number. For example, vmware-ose--1.0.0-24012158.el7.x86_64.rpm.

If you are upgrading from version 1.X, first upgrade your environment to version 2.X, and then upgrade to VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension 2.2.3.

If you are upgrading a multisite environment, to avoid service downtime, upgrade VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension instances one by one.

Upgrading from VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension 2.X

To upgrade from version 2.X, run the following commands:

For CentoOS, RHEL, Photon OS, and Oracle Linux:
rpm -e vmware-ose
rpm -ivh vmware-ose-v.v.v-nnnnnnnn.el7.x86_64
ose endpoint set --url=YOUR_OSE_FQDN --region=YOUR_S3_REGION_NAME
ose ui install
ose service restart
For Ubuntu and Debian:
sudo apt-get remove vmware-ose
sudo apt-get install /temp/vmware-ose_$v.v.v-$nnnnnnnn.deb
ose endpoint set --url=YOUR_OSE_FQDN --region=YOUR_S3_REGION_NAME
ose ui install
ose service restart

Upgrading from VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension 1.X

To upgrade from version 1.X, do the following:
  1. Uninstall the earlier version of the software from the host machine. See Uninstall VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension.
  2. Prepare your database before upgrading to version 2.2.3. See Prepare the Database for Upgrade.
  3. Install the new RPM package. See Install VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension.
  4. Run a data migration script. See Migrate VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension Data in the Installing, Configuring, and Upgrading VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension 2.1.1 guide.